Last week’s Bonus Round: Elton John’s 1970 hit, “Your Song”, lyrics by Bernie Taupin, melody by Elton John.
Here’s a possibly apocryphal note from the website : “Both Elton and Bernie were so excited about writing this song that they wrote it at the table of Elton’s mother’s house. It’s said that the original lyrics are written up on a coffee-stained piece of paper. They both contributed to this song in their own ways.”
I really hope that’s true - I write lyrics a lot in my notes app, copy/paste into a word processing app, space the lines so I can add chord changes above the line where I think they should go, then print and pencil in (and erase, redo, erase, redo, spill coffee, say bad words, etc) chords that sort of fit the melody that’s forming in my head. Often I redo lyrics, chord changes, melody multiple times after I let a song “sit” for awhile.
Last week we did a “first hack” of our silly song, and I’ve changed it a bit, so for tomorrow it might look something like this as we start putting in chords for a chord chart:
My specialty’s bad timin’,
No meter and lousy rhymin’,
I’ll think some more tomorrow,
So just feel free to borrow
There just ain’t no silver linin’,
When your specialty’s bad timin’
Already changed it from last week, some as I was writing this. “Countryfied” it a little? Dunno, felt better, but as I start putting some chords in place, it may very well (probably will) change more, which is nice. Songwriting is a process, just when you think you’re “there”, something else pops into your head. Follow your muse!
Bonus Round: A lyrically fabulous song with lovely vocals about choices we make and bridges we burn.
See you tomorrow!!
Cheers, and keep playing!!
Michael Acoustic