Welcome to whatever this…
My name is Michael. I play guitar, I sing, I write songs, I record and mix my own music.
Let me begin by telling you what this isn’t. I’m not a teacher, you’re not going to learn how to play guitar or to sing. I’ve spent some time trying to learn those things myself, and the most profound insight I can share is that being mediocre at both, while simultaneously being a driven perfectionist, is annoying at best. But each of those things, mediocrity and a drive to perfection, create an irresistible drive in me to be better, to learn more, to keep at it.
I’m not a professional (yet), but I’ve learned a lot along the way and I’ll share some of that here. This isn’t a “how to”. If anything it’s probably more of a “how not to”.
What I’ll share with you is more my approach to learning, some suggestions (but I don’t have a “method” or a course or a technique) for navigating the weirdness of being older and learning a new thing and how life can lead you to places you never thought you might go. Music, and the music business, is a different sort of animal for me. If it is for you as well, or you’re thinking it might be a place to poke around for a bit, I’ll try to give you some insight. Along the way, I’ll be learning from you as well. I’ll try to post about once a week, maybe more, maybe less as life happens.
Hope to see you along the way.