What are those four Buddhist monks up-to? I’m guessing it’s perhaps some form of EDM (Electronic Dance Mantras)? (Great photo!)

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LOL EDMantras made me laugh. I kinda thought it was a setup simply to broadcast or record "OMMMMM", but I'm impressed with the effort, no matter what the purpose.

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Surely there would be no purpose or effort? Just... be... lol 😝

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Just β€œBeing and Nothingness”? Perhaps the Sartrean Order of monks....

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β€œThe last time we saw you you looked so much older

Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder”

You can’t write a better lyric than that. Probably a dozen or more things you can infer from those two lines. He was a titan.

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Agree completely - he occupies an almost singular place in the singer/songwriter pantheon….

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Jul 27, 2023Β·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by Michael

Thanks, Michael! The Prefab Sprout acoustic re-record is the story of the piece, of course, and my first thought was of you and your readers, and how much y'all would enjoy Paddy's recent effort!

Loved that Michelob/Sinatra ad....I don't remember that! One of my fave Frank songs when I was touring assisted living centers (pre-pandemic) singing crooner songs with a home karaoke machine and CD-G discs! That Bennett clip was sublime! It's so much fun to sit and "study" both Frank and Tony....what Sinatra brought to song with his unique phrasing and musicality, Bennett brought style, panache, and elocution. In fact, that's how I saw Bennett in Vegas (a relatively small room in one of the large Strip hotels) in the '80s, similar to that video...with a 3-piece jazz combo, although, the 3 pieces we had were piano, bass and drums...no guitar.

I love that Brian Wilson quote....had never heard it before. As you may suspect, Brian is my spirit animal. On the Sirius/XM Beach Boys channel (which will be on for the summer's duration), I recently learned that, in the days when Brian was actively writing, his process was less plunk out a melody on the piano, than it was spending hours just playing chords (I'm assuming he'd record those hours), and out of that he'd devise a melody! This, of course, would help explain and illustrate the genesis of his amazing chord structures and changes that are/were Brian and the BB's magical trademark!

Great stuff, Michael! A pat and a "howdy" to Mika for me!

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