Really interesting on "You Got the Silver."

Mika is a trip!

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It was a cool story - still seems to be some mystery about whethe Mick made it back from Australia in time and just wasn’t (or didn’t want to be) credited on the song - some more detail in the Wikipedia article.

Mika definitely makes my life better!

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I think Keith could have been the front man for a band, if he weren't so shy. He had the singing and songwriting chops. But of course Mick is/was an extraordinary front man.

I have a cat like that too. He definitely thinks he's in charge.

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My No. 2 favorite Stones album.

My No. 1? "Exile ..."

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Payola would never have existed if radio stations had paid disk jockeys a living wage to begin with- they were accepting the bribes to make a living, for the most part.

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